Pregnancy Physical Therapy can treat a variety of conditions including:

Diastasis Recti (DR)

What does it look like? Doming or coning at, above, or below your belly button?

Who gets it? All pregnant women get some degree of DR during pregnancy to accommodate a growing baby in the abdomen. However, low backpain, urinary leakage, and pelvic pain is a symptom of DR that means you should seek treatment.

Low Back Pain/Pelvic Pain

What might low back pain entail? Dull, aching, or sharp pain in your lumbar spine. Low Back pain could also be caused by sciatica which is compression of the nerve which runs into your leg. Numbness and tingling could result from sciatica.

What exactly counts as “pelvic pain?” There are so many different types! No pain is “normal,” however. Pelvic pain can include feeling pressure or heaviness in the vaginal canal or rectum. It can also feel like pain at the pubic bone or sacrum. Pain with either initial or deep penetration counts as pelvic pain as well!

Reduce Risk of Tearing

Learn exercises, behaviors, and a home program to help reduce tearing during labor and delivery.

90% of first-time moms have some degree of tearing during childbirth. However, most moms do not receive prenatal PT services.

Perineal stretching can be performed during sessions

Working on your pelvic floor muscle mobility and down training muscles to allow for your pelvic floor to “get out of the way” for baby to exit!

Round Ligament Pain

What causes it? Stretching and enlargement of the uterus

Symptoms? A sharp, stabbing pain at lower abdomen or groin area

How can PT help? Education on proper body mechanics, stretching exercises, strengthening exercises, manual therapy, pain management techniques, and postural re-education

Birth Prep

Maintaining good overall health and wellness during pregnancy is key in preparing for birth. Physical therapy should be part of your pregnancy self-care!

I want to help you be the most successful with your birth plan. My aim is for you to have a fearless birth and feel confident that your body can handle your plan A, B or C birth!

Postpartum Recovery

If you don’t have awareness of your core and pelvic floor during pregnancy, it will only be harder to strengthen and reconnect to these muscles following delivery. We will focus on improving your pelvic floor stability to help prevent pelvic organ prolapse and bowel/bladder incontinence.

Want to enjoy your pregnancy to the fullest?

Want to prepare for a fearless birth?

Want to ensure a smoother postpartum recovery?