Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP): Signs, Symptoms, and Solutions
“there’s a common misconception that only older women get POP but it can frequently occur in women in their 30s and sometimes even in their 20s. While this may be scary to hear how common POP is, the good news is that POP is treatable! You don’t have to live with these symptoms!…”

My Birth Story
“I went to my 40-week prenatal appointment at the Charleston Birth Place (CBP) at 2 pm on April 3, 2024. I was 39 w 5 d pregnant…”

“Do I have diastasis recti?”
“During pregnancy, all women will develop a degree of diastasis recti to accommodate their growing baby. Within 1 year postpartum, 66% of women will have DR resolve. However, PT can help expedite this process…”

“A Postpartum Guide to Return to Running”
“If you cannot stand on one leg for at least 30 seconds, you are not ready to run yet! Running is a single leg stance activity. You literally alternate from one leg to another over and over again…”

“Tummy troubles: how pelvic PT can help with constipation”
“You need 3 things working properly to poop correctly and efficiently—your diaphragm, your abdominal musculature, and your pelvic floor muscles…”

“Laughing so hard you pee isn’t so funny anymore, ehh?”
“Stress urinary incontinence with laughing is common but certainly is not normal”…