“Do I have diastasis recti?”
Diastasis recti (DR) is the stretching or separation of the rectus abdominus (or “6 pack”) muscles caused by thinning of the midline connective tissue known as the “linea alba.” During pregnancy, all women will develop a degree of diastasis recti to accommodate their growing baby. Within 1 year postpartum, 66% of women will have DR resolve. However, PT can help expedite this process. Your rectus abdominus muscles actually span from your and xiphoid process (right below your chest bone) to your pubic symphysis! They are a major core muscle, so you may notice a multitude of symptoms occurring if you have DR. Some symptoms that can accompany diastasis recti include but are not limited to constipation, severe bloating, poor posture, stress incontinence, abdominal pain, fecal incontinence, low back pain, pelvic organ prolapse, and hernias.
You can check yourself for diastasis recti (DR) quite easily. Here are the steps:
Start by laying down on a yoga mat with your knees bent
Place 2 fingers horizontally over your belly button
Slowly start to crunch up, lifting your head and shoulder blades off of the ground
If you feel a gap or bulge that is 2 finger widths or more, you most likely have a positive result for DR. If you feel only a 1 finger or less separation, this is normal.
Perform this same 2 finger assessment 2 inches below and then 2 inches above your belly button.
If the test is positive at any of the spots you tested, schedule an appointment with me to begin rehabilitation for your core!